Home News Justin Bieber’s megahit ‘Holy’ helps to raise fund: Watch new charity rendition

Justin Bieber’s megahit ‘Holy’ helps to raise fund: Watch new charity rendition

Justin Bieber megahit Holy - raise fund
Justin Bieber megahit Holy - raise fund (Getty Images)

New version of Justin Bieber’s megahit ‘Holy’ is out now.

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir have got together with Bieber to release a charity rendition of Justin Bieber’s megahitHoly‘ feat Chance the Rapper. The new version of ‘Holy’ to raise funds for frontline workers of this pandemic.

Watch ‘Holy’ by Justin Bieber, Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir

Read More: Dionne Warwick tweets on ‘Holy’ by Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper

The NHS Choir tweeted on their reunion with Bieber to do this amazing work and shared how excited they are.

“We’re beyond excited to finally share the news!!! We’re back together with our old friend @justinbieber, singing our hearts out on this new version of his gorgeous song ‘Holy’, all to raise money for @NHSCharities and @LG_NHS! Out Friday 18 Dec,” The Choir tweeted.

Download and stream ‘Holy’ here: