Home News A teenage rapper who suffers mentally, J Grange is inspired by Eminem

A teenage rapper who suffers mentally, J Grange is inspired by Eminem

J Grange inspired by Eminem2222
J Grange inspired by Eminem

A teenage rapper, known as J Grange suffers from mental health issues.

J Grange is an 18 year old teenage rapper, who has anxiety and ADHD. This made him suffer from mental disorder and concentration issues. However the British rapper brings up the name of a legend icon, its none other than the rapper Eminem who fought through his own mental health issues.

Get more info about the teenage rapper from https://jgrangeofficial.com/about

When J Grange is questioned about his musical inspiration: he answered, “Tough question, There are so many! I think I’ve got to say Eminem as my biggest inspiration. He has had many mental health issues like myself and I know the number of challenges it brings. You have to be strong and resilient to pull through dark times.

“To see the success Eminem has had is unbelievable.”

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