Home News Taylor Swift helps an 18-year-old student with $30,000 for Tuition

Taylor Swift helps an 18-year-old student with $30,000 for Tuition

Taylor Swift donates with $30,000
Taylor Swift donates with $30,000

Taylor Swift helps an 18-year-old girl to pay her tuition fees. The name of the girl is Vitoria Mario.

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Vitoria Mario is a University student who studies Mathematics. She goes to the prestigious University of Warwick. Mario has a GoFundMe page where people can donate for her tuition. Luckily she got the attention of the pop star Taylor Swift.

Donate Mario

“I have received a conditional offer to study Mathematics (MMath) at the prestigious University of Warwick, ” Mario wrote on her page.

According to some rumors, Taylor gave more than $30,000 for her fund. However, its confirmed that Taylor Swift helps her with $30,000. “Vitoria, I came across your story online and am so inspired by your drive and dedication to turning your dreams into reality. I want to gift you the rest of your goal amount. Good luck with everything you do! Love, Taylor,” Swift commented with her donation.

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