Ed Sheeran’s super hit song, “Shape of you” here becomes a reality. Coz The singer uncovered he’d lost a whopping 20 kilos since 2015 after he chose to quit smoking and got a wellness schedule. He revealed how he’d lost 50 kilos in a new interview on the Behind the Medal podcast.
Ed Sheeran stopped smoking three years ago and started exercising. That’s when his weight loss conversion began. “I started doing it because when I stopped smoking, I was very aware that my lungs were so full of s— that I needed to clear them out,” he said regarding exercise. “Gyms are good, but there’s nothing like fresh air to really give you a cleanout. That’s, for me, the main reason why I started doing it.”

Ed said he needed to make a “real effort” to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine while on his most recent tour. During his X tour in 2015 and 2016, he weighed between in the range of 210 and 224 pounds. Starting at the present moment, he weighs 50 pounds less at “12 stone,” which is about 168 pounds.
The Grammy-winning singer shared that his busy timetable made it difficult to maintain a daily practice. He confessed that going on tour, especially in America, was the hardest for him.
Then, when he quit smoking, he was aware”my lungs were so loaded with *#$ that I needed to clear them out,” so he started running outside while on the road, which also allowed him to take in the sights.
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While he noticed that he desired to clear out his lungs that made him exercising, Ed remembered the “online trolls,” newspapers and comments that would point out his size when he was heavier and said there is a great deal of “external pressure” to look like other male stars.